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East Orange, New Jersey, United States

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 4 The Art Of Possibility 10-12

I told you it wasn’t about you. Have you been able to tap into the power of combining your expertise and passions with someone equally gifted? Have you had the pleasure of lifting a teammate, student or stranger up enabling them to realize their dreams and exceed anything that you could have imagined?

As I read this chapter I realized that life is a WE story. People tend to assume that their actions only affect one person but in fact we are all connected. We are all part of one super-machine and in order for this machine to work all it’s parts must work towards the same goal. I remember when I first told my father that I was getting married. That had to be the first time I realized that the ME, in my life, would no longer be. He gave me some of the best advice ever. He told me that as the man of the house, you are truly just a servant. I was confused at the time, because my mother has always catered to my dad and as far as can remember when ever my father spoke everyone listened. “How are you a servant, dad?” I asked. He then explained the reason why my mother always listened to him and my brothers and sisters always respected and loved him was because he never acted alone. I never made any decisions for us as a hole without our best interest in mind. As the head of the of the house, sure I can do frivolous things with our money or even do irresponsible things as a man, but then, WE as a whole will not progress or even survive. If I don’t keep in mind what is best for us, then my family will forsake me. For example, I have always wanted a new sports car, something fast and small, but there are seven of us, so I got us a mini-van instead. Another example is when me and your mother go grocery shopping, I love steak and shrimp, but because buying steak and shrimp will probable only feed us for a few days, under our monthly grocery budget, we settle for chicken and pork. Some decisions are harder than others but in order to be a true leader you must follow.
The story of WE was very moving, especially since I have a family of my own now and find myself converting ME into WE and I into US.

So to answer the question above, as to whether I have been able to “lift a teammate, student or stranger up enabling them to realize their dreams and exceed anything that you could have imagined, the answer is No, but I have been able to lift my family and move forward as one cohesive unit.

Sarah Hodge Blog:

I saw this today and just loved it. I know with many of you who have children, there hasn’t been a lot of time to do the things you had hoped for. With this program coming to an end, perhaps some of the things in this video will give you ideas and inspire you to strengthen your relationships.

Comment on Sarah's Blog:

I simply don't understand how people refuse to be there for their children. Children are just an extension of you and if u choose not to be part of their lives, the one that truly is hurt by this are the innocent children that fill our world and make up our lives.

Thourn Heng's Blog:

Currently I am leaning towards publishing because one of the links provided for us deals with publishing exactly what I did for my Action Research. My action dealt with using using technology as a means to completing homework. It was more about how to implement blogging as an educational tool more that if it increased student achievements. So, currently I am trying to contact Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D) get my work published.

There is still a possibility that I might do "share and tell." That is more my style than publishing, but I'll see if I can find any conference that deals with the research I did.

Comment on Thourn Heng's Blog:

Homework its something that is important practice and if we as educator give up on it, what will be next? No test or quizzes. Working in an alternative school, homework is not allowed to hurt our student's grades. I feel so powerless sometimes. I say Publish it.

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