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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 2 The Art Of Possibility 4-6

This book continues to put a smile on my face, so many things that are said in this book, I sometimes feel like they are directly related to me. For example, the starfish story at the beginning of chapter 4:

“Strolling along the edge of the sea, a man catches sight of a young woman who appears to be engaged in a ritual dance. She stoops down, then straightens to her full height, casting her arm out in an arc. Drawing closer, he sees that the beach around her is littered with starfish, and she is throwing them one by one into the sea. He lightly mocks her: “There are stranded starfish as far as the eye can see, for miles up the beach. What difference can saving a few of them possibly make?” Smiling, she bends down and once more tosses a starfish out over the water, saying serenely, “It certainly makes a difference to this one.” (Zander & Zander, 2000, p. 55)

This story reminds me of the children that I work with in the Alternative school, it seems hopeless at times but as long as there is at least one child willing to learn, I will continue to teach.

“How will I be a contribution today?” (Zander & Zander, 2000, p. 57)
It’s a great way to change the game, trying to live up to other people’s expectations and or assumptions can be eternally taxing on your mind, body and soul. That is why I think that contributing to live without worrying about achievements it’s an excellent way to look at this game called life.

Some people see the glass half-full others see the glass half-empty and then there a few that don’t even see the glass, the gifts and blessing that the universe has in store for us can never be acknowledged unless, you as a contributor accept them.

Four young men sit by the bedside of their dying father, The old man, with his last breath, tells them there is a huge treasure buried in the family fields. The sons crowd around him crying, “Where, Where?” But it is too late. The day after the funeral and for many days to come, the young men go out with their picks and shovels and turn the soil, digging deeply into the ground from one end of each filed to the other. They find nothing and, bitterly disappointed, abandon the search.
The next season the farm has its best harvest ever. (Zander & Zander, 2000, p. 65)

Rule number 6; “don’t take yourself so goddam seriously.” I loved the fact that the rule of six consists on only one rule, this goes to show you that it’s all invented and it’s all up to perception.

Zander, R.S., & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Thourn Heng’s Blog:

“How much greatness are we willing to grant people?” (p.73)

To answer this question from the reading, we need to give the people we teach, coach, lead, and/or conduct a voice. Good leaders are good listeners who are not afraid to admit when they are at fault. When followers see that their leader is not too proud to admit when they are wrong, they see the humility of that leader. A humble leader is not always directing his or her subordinates. He or she must also be a good listener and give their followers a chance to express what they observe through their eyes. Keeping an open mind is what keeps a good leader from being clouded by the things they experience and perceive. Also, good leaders let someone else shine a different light on the same situation.

When I start school, I set the expectation for my student’s behaviors. But, what we often do not allow is an opportunity for students to voice their opinion on how teachers should behave and educate. I do this exercise with my students at the end of the first semester because they have gotten a feel for my personality and teaching style. So, I developed this extra credit survey for my students with four simple questions. They are as follow:

What were two things that Coach2win did well last semester? Why was it good?
What are two things that Coach2win can do better? How can he improve, give him some suggestions?
What were two things you did well last semester in Coach2win’s class? Why was it good?
What are two things you can do better this upcoming semester? How can you improve?

Basically this survey boils down to how can improve as an educator and how can they improve as students. Giving my students this chance to evaluate me is the same as the Zander allowing his musicians to write on the blank notepaper. When the people we lead get to voice their opinions openly and freely, we all learn something. We learn about our self and the people we lead. That is how we grant people greatness, through listening to their suggestions.

Comment on Thourn Heng’s Blog:

My father once told me that to be a great lead you must understand and accept that you are truly just a servant. I never quite understood this till now, that I have a family. I am the head of my house but the reason why my wife and baby allow me to be the leader is because they trust I will do what’s best for them not just me. So whenever I make any decisions I always make sure that my family comes first.
2win you use a similar process in your class the only difference is that you also put some of the responsibility to lead on your students, I think its very productive idea how you have them fill out a survey. Wanting to learn and wanting to improve should always be a goal, as an educator.

Post on Sarah Hodges Choice Blog:

Nice Hodge, I believe that people need to realize that we are all part of a whole and that if you help someone, you are also helping yourself.
Many times people contribute to the world not even knowing its all part of a cycle that will just comeback to you.

Let me share a little story with you. I went to the zoo this past week and saw a video on gorillas that showed how they contribute not even knowing. They eat fruits whole, seeds and all, those seeds travel down their digestive tracks, and then eventually when nature calls, the gorilla, unknowingly plants a tree and contributes. They are an intricate part of the survival not just of the forest they live in but also many species that populate the area.
whether its by just giving advice, or saying hello or even noticing someone, you can never know the changes that your contribution that day will make.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way Pedro. This book is helping me to see that I too can be a contributor without necessarily being the leader. It is nice to be the one that leads but sometime we need our students to teach us.
