About Me

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East Orange, New Jersey, United States

Monday, January 11, 2010

BP4_2010011_RSS Feeds

RSS Feed Selections

Education: News & Videos about Education – CNN.com:

With all the turmoil that is going on in New Jersey with issues about teachers, budget cuts and job cuts, this RSS feed will help me stay on top of things.


This RSS Feed will keep me up to date with what is going on in the world of education and how the internet is changing it.


One thing that I have come to understand, first as a student and now as a teacher, is that students tend to listen more to teachers that know a bit about their student’s culture and interest. This RSS feed will help keep up with that.

LEGO Mindstorms:

In our school we have about a dozen different LEGO Mindstorm kits, this year, for the Science and Technology fare we are planning to built and program one of the LEGO’s Mindstorm robots. This RSS feed will help me stay up-to-date with any updates.

Serious Eats:

If you read my profile for FSO, you would know how much I love to eat, coincidently I love to cook as well. This will help me indulge in one of my favorite pastimes.


  1. We are doing Lego Mindstorms at out school. We just started competing this year.

  2. Pedro! I couldn't agree with you more that students tend to listen better when we understand more about their interests and culture. I admire you for being so genuine and inspiring. It is obvious that you care for your students on an individual basis. I hope to connect with my future students as much as you are now making strong connections with yours.

  3. I completely agree with you Pedro. Once students realize that you are interested in some of the same things they are or that you like the same music they do, you automatically become the cool teacher. I taught my students the ballet body facings to Soulja Boy's "Turn My Swag On". After that my students were all ears, no matter what I was teaching. The Lego Mindstorms seems really cool. I love the huge lego people at Downtown Disney in Florida. You will have to keep me posted on how the robot turns out.
