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East Orange, New Jersey, United States

Monday, January 11, 2010

BP3_2010011_Web 2.0 T1- Tikatok

Web 2.0 tools are extremely helpful and useful but www.go2web20.net, just had too many to choose from. After hours of searching and testing, my pain vain started to protrude on the left side of my forehead. More often than not the Internet causes me pain. That’s when I came across www.tikatok.com, Tikatok is an online platform where parents or teacher and their children or students can write, illustrate, and publish original stories into a professional-quality hardcover, paperback books or eBooks. I was thoroughly impressed with this tool but I was still a bit perplexed on how to fully utilize this site’s potential. Until, I realized that eventually I was going to post, what I was currently writing, on a blog.

My idea is basically to cross utilize two web 2.0 tools, Blogger to write and Tikatok to create. Students will write blog entries based on writing prompts that will guide their writing. Eventually all their blog entries will be gathered and organize in order to convert them into short stories. At the end of the marking cycle or school year there will be a final class project where students will work collaboratively in order to create a book that will contain a collection of short stories. The cool part about this process is that the students, not Tikatok, will still own all the copyrights to the stories and illustrations submitted.

This assignment is a great way to merge two worlds into one. Physical books are slowly becoming obsolete, with the use or eBooks and eReaders becoming more popular. This lesson will, hopefully spark a love for the physical written word and maybe inspire a child or two to eventually become a world known author.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! What a great idea! And if the students know what they are working for throughout the year, it will make the writing they do during the school year more purposeful and engaging! I love it!
